Wednesday, May 13, 2009

What is Cool?

What is considered cool? Cool by definition is: 

"Fashionably attractive or impressive."

Until I was about 8, I thought everything was cool. I didn't care what I looked like. Clothes were clothes, no matter what they were or how much they cost. If they covered you up, they were cool. Once grade 4 rolled around, I started to determine the difference between cool and uncool. I would gel my hair across my head, wear my shorts low, and want expensive things. All to be considered cool. If you played sports you were cool. If you were a girl who played sports, you were especially cool. If you were funny you were cool. If you didn't hang out with me or my group, you were not cool. Wait, the definition of cool is "attractive or impressive." The last description of not cool, that doesn't fit the bill. I guess in elementary school, only your friends are cool. Fair enough, I didn't know better. 

Grade 6 rolled around. New school, new friends. Now in grade 6, I had practically no friends until 2 weeks in. I got beat up (kind of) during the first week of school during sports day. I thought I wasn't cool because I had no friends. Was it the way I dressed? Was it the way I walked and talked? I was a t-shirt and shorts guy. I have always been a t-shirt and shorts type of guy. I met a few friends because of our similarities. Finally! Cool people! In Middle School, I thought all the athletes were cool. Everyone that was good at volleyball, basketball and track and field were all considered cool. Everyone that was good in P.E. was cool. Everyone that was bad at P.E. and did poorly in school was not cool. This is all coming from me, my previous perspective of cool. Coming from my peers, they all thought I was cool because I had good grades and was good at sports. Still biased with my decisions and looked at the external factors of people. Signs of immaturity.

So high school. Way more people. Huge school. Here I learned the real truth behind what is cool and not. Cool is a point of perspective. People do drugs, I don't think they are cool. Others do. People drink every weekend. I don't think thats cool. Again, lots of people do. Kids fail and skip classes. They think its cool, I don't. Understanding that cool is an individual point of view comes from maturity. Just because someone is uncool in your view doesn't mean they are a bad person, or that they can't be your friend. A lot of people meet because of similarities or differences. I find that things I can't do, which other's can do is cool. I've been watching a lot of soccer lately. I can't even begin to think how some people can do all those tricks with their feet. I think thats cool. However, I think that people that listen to the same music may be cool. But when looking at what is cool and not, it is important to look not only on the outside but the inside. Does a person have a nice, outgoing personality? Or maybe a nasty, conceited one? You could say that both may be cool, depending on what you are looking for. 

People often try to fit in with the a crowd that they perceive to be cool. I don't drink very often. Does that mean all my friends don't drink? No. "Like people for who they are, don't hate them for what they aren't." Don't try to be something you're not. "Our similarities should allow us to accept each other's differences." Everyone is cool in their own way. You just have to find a way to let everyone know it.

School tomorrow, have to go to sleep early.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Hair Blog

As I sit at my desk reading, I reach up to scratch my face.
I feel a little prickle. Facial hair. I try to pull it out with my fingers with no avail. Darn, I have to go get the tweezers, but I can't find them. There are 2 types of hair on my face. First, the soft, wispy ones that don't bother me. Second, the harder, prickly ones that annoy me so much I want to rip my face off. I am still here, picking at it. I scrunch my chin to try to get a better angle to try to get it out. No dice. I am asian. Asians don't grow facial hair consistently. It grows all patchy and it looks so silly. You asians out there, don't grow your facial hair, unless you are attempting a fu man chu.  In that case, good luck and keep persistent.


I wish that my facial hair would stop growing all together. It just gets annoying and I will never grow a beard or mustache ever. Do you know how long that would take me? I shave every 2 weeks. My friends grow the same amount of facial hair or more in 2 days. A full out beard would take me at least 2 months. It wouldn't even be bushy. It would be all wispy and thin. If I had a beard and went running, the hair wouldn't stay put, it would tickle my neck. No good. I like being clean shaven. It prevents the temptation for this to happen

Or this

Like how can you breathe with that thing? There is so much hair you could die in your sleep. (Thanks for the laughs Chris Mason, but my Canucks still swept you.) I am still trying to pick the stupid hair off my chin, but I am preoccupied with my keyboard. There is like, 5 prickle hairs on my chin. It's bothering and I'm too lazy to find the tweezers. They are probably in my sister's room anyways. 

Well thats it I guess.


My Side of the Story

First off, if any parents read this, you might be offended, but this is my perspective.
Here we go. Kids are starting to drink alcohol younger and younger these days. My first house party was in grade 10. I didn't think much of it. In fact, I thought it was really boring. A few people passed out. I thought:
"That doesn't look fun."
The next day, the same people brag on Facebook:
"_______: Got shitfaced last night, it was so fun."
What??!! I really wonder what the parents of these kids say when they get home.
"Hey did you have a good time?"
"Were you safe?"
How is vomiting and having no recollection of the night before a good time? It baffles me. People get sick and vomit. They don't consider that "fun." Are parents concerned with their children? The sight of your kid, spilling his guts on the floor. What emotions do you get from this scene? I know my parents would be disappointed. They would take care of me, but nevertheless be pissed off. Some parents may just shrug it off and say:
"He will learn next time. I used to be like that when I was young."
But when the kid has a stuffy nose, the parents are like:
"Oh baby are you okay? Do you want to visit the doctor?"

Its not just alcohol. Kids skip classes regularly and the parents don't even care. Is the standard for the kids of today getting lower and lower? Do parents care about their children's education and ultimately their future? I would not know the answers, I am only 19 year old. I am writing from my perspective and this is what I am seeing in school. Kids bragging that they skipped and are getting smashed over the weekend. As a result, kids are failing easy subjects. When was a C- acceptable? What is there to be proud of in getting a C-. If you truly try your hardest and give all your effort, a C- would never appear on your report card.

Kids these days take everything for granted. I wish that the hardest lessons would be learned early. Maybe a death here or there would make kids think twice about their decisions. I often see the quote:
"Nothing lasts forever. Live it up, drink it down, laugh it off, avoid the bullshit, take chances & never have regrets, because at one point, everything you did was exactly what you wanted."
This is the dumbest quote ever. Whoever wrote this should be shot. What my point of view, this quote states that life is all about having a good time. "Live it up, drink it down, laugh it off." That part just bugs me. It seems like it is encouraging alcohol and disregard to any bumps in the road. You can't just laugh everything off. Image your best friend dying. You can't just laugh it off. Image your kid dying. You can't laugh it off. "Avoid the bullshit." Bullshit that. You take bullshit head on. Only pussies avoid it. "Take chances." If you insert "calculated" between"take" and "chance", maybe this would make it more realistic. It is just stupid to see how many young teenagers, grade 9's and 10's, getting intoxicated on the weekend. I want to know what a parent would say. Because as a future parent (hopefully), alcohol would definitely be unacceptable.

Maybe you think I am all wrong. Maybe it is the way that I was brought up that gives me this perspective. My parents didn't spoil me, I received 2 new toys every year. Once for my birthday, and once during Christmas. I had to earn most of my things. I never got allowance and I was paid 1$ every 2 weeks to clean the toilet. As hard as I begged, I never got candy from the cashier line at Superstore. I never had a soft consequence. Many of you got sent to your room, or no TV for the night. My parents were tough on me. I had 1 hour maximum to watch TV each night. I had to ask my parents if I could watch TV, I couldn't just pick up the clicker and start flipping channels, unless it was the news hour or The Magic School Bus. Now that I reflect on it, my parents were good parents. They loved me, but made me learn from my consequences. They taught me how to make good decisions, and behave in a justifiable manner. I can have fun without alcohol. I haven't drank alcohol in over a year. I am not saying that people should refrain from drinking, I just think that it isn't necessary to have a "good time."

To sum it up, I am not trying to blame parents. I am just confused at how you can stand seeing your child, someone you spend so much time and effort in bringing up, intoxicated, unable to talk and stand, just get away with it. I really want to hear what a parent would have to say. If you find this in anyway offensive, be aware I am not judging your parenting skills. I am just looking for answers.

Enough for now, I spent quite a bit of time writing this.


Monday, May 11, 2009

Psychology is Interesting!!

I started my psychology notes tonight. First off, I have put more effort in Psychology 1200 in 90 minutes than the whole semester of Psychology 1100. Second, while I was reading my textbook, I realized that I have experienced a lot of things in school that I am learning. A lot of these things I can't stand. This could be considered a rant, but I am linking it to Psychology.

We are learning about Social Psychology. Social Psychology is the scientific study of how we think about, influence and relate to one another. A real "head scratcher" I am wrapping my head around is the Attribution Theory. The Attribution Theory credits the situation or the person's disposition to their behaviour. In english, it means that a person behaves a certain way because of the situation, or their beliefs. For example, if a person steals bread, it the behaviour is attributed to the situation (hunger) or disposition (they are a bad person). The social psychologist attributes all behaviours to the situation. I tried as hard as I could do try to disprove this thinking, but I can't think of any behaviour that doesn't have a situation behind it, except maybe a physical or mental disability. But I don't think those count because they may be involuntary actions. Anyways, the first point about Social Psychology that relates to life, especially high school is conformity. Conformity is: "adjusting one's behaviour or thinking to coincide with a group norm." Everyone conforms. I conform. But I hate it when people change their behaviour 180 degrees. For example, I hate people that change their attitudes just to "fit in with the crowd." I don't like "crowds" it is hard to call many people your true friends. Be happy with what you are. If you believe in something, stand up for it, don't back in. There are a few reasons why people conform. They are insecure, they are in a large group, admiration and no commitment. Most people conform to gain approval or avoid disproval. In the past, I used say my favourite artist was Eminem because everyone listened to him. I thought everyone would approve and I would be "cool." No Chris you were not cool. 

Another thing I hate in school is social loafing. Social loafing is: "the tendency for people in a group to exert less effort when pooling their efforts toward attaining a common goal than when individually accountable." This is so true. I hate group projects because I end up doing all the work and assigning tasks and what not. When I make a suggestion, everyone just says:
"Oh its Chris Wong he's always right." 
I hate that so much. I am not the smartest guy, I am not always right, please please don't say that again. When I am wrong, which a lot of the times I am, how stupid do you feel. You copied off someone that was wrong. I sometimes want to tell you people the wrong answers just to screw you over. I wish I was the smartest guy, but I am not. I put effort in my work and that's how I get my results. It baffles me how many people fail Biology. Its not that hard. (If you are reading this and you failed Biology, I am not calling you stupid, this is just what I am seeing). I hate it when people ask me for my notes and answers for worksheets. That pisses me off the most. I put effort into my studies and all you do is party on the weekends, hoping that Chris Wong will save the day for you. Well why don't you ask this question to yourself. What have you done to deserve my notes? All you biology students that take my notes are freeloaders. I try to be nice, and all you do is take my stuff and run away. I hope you read this, take a good look at yourself in the mirror, and then stop complaining about your C- in Biology. This is what you idiots ask me.
"Chris what is actin and myosin?"
"Did you read the textbook?"
"No I forgot to study I got smashed on the weekend."
"Fuck you."
You people have no self-awareness. When you ask what I get on my test, I just shrug because I don't want you to know. Then you go off and brag that you got an A-. I don't really care. What makes you think I care. That is why I just shrug and go off. If you want a HI-5 from me, you're not getting one. So don't come crying to me asking for my notes because you wont get anything. I really hope you fail in life because you try to cheat off others.  I am not saying that I am not going to help you. There is a big difference between help and freeloading. Most of you people think that they are the same thing.
"Chris Wong can you help me?"
"Sure what do you need help with?"
"Oh just send me your notes."
No I am not going to send you my notes. You write your own notes, My notes come straight out of the course pack which everyone has. You're just too lazy to sit in front of the computer for 45 minutes, read the writing, and type. You instant message and go on Facebook, it should be a piece of cake. I am more than willing to help you, but you have to put in the effort to help yourself. The resources are around you, use them.

I am out of ideas. This blog turned into a rant... again.
Its late, I should get sleep.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

Well today is Mother's Day. Plans? Make breakfast and spend time with mom. To start the day, my sister woke me up, asking me if I wanted to help make breakfast. I hopped out of bed and into the kitchen. I grab a glass of milk and then begin to ponder. My dad is chopping onions and red peppers for an omelette, and my sister has finished the pancake mix and is starting to pour the mix into the pan. 
"What can I do?"
I look in the fridge. 
"Cut some fruit? Pour some milk?"
My sister asks me to beat the eggs. 
"Yes! I can contribute!"
My dad grabs the eggs and the whisk and starts to take my job.
So I tell him that I was going to do that, and he leaves me to do it. So I beat them eggs good. Once I finished, I looked in the fridge. 
"What to do know?"
Mom wakes up and we quickly finish the meal. We give her the card we made and eat. Since I didn't really contribute making breakfast, I volunteered to do the dishes. 
Anyways, thats what we did.

Well my Mom is going to India in October to do her teaching program. She keeps asking us if it is selfish of her to go. The trip costs $4000. Considering she doesn't work full time, I would say that is quite a lot of money. She does have help though. My Grandpa offered to pay for half of the costs. Lucky. She keeps asking me if I will be fine. I know I will be fine because I will still be at Douglas doing school. I think she is most worried about my sister because it will be her first year of post-secondary, which is a big adjustment. I keep telling her that Dad is more than capable of taking care of both of us. Mom gives my Dad a lot of credit to her success in post-secondary because he is the only one supporting the family. We fare pretty well. Mom feels bad that she is leaving Dad to take care of us for 3 months. I support my Mom going to India and so does the rest of my family. 

Mom keeps bugging me about Andrea. She's always like
"You better be careful while I'm away."
Before I had a girlfriend, Mom was always bugging me about who I liked and who I was interested in. Now she seems... How should I put it... Overprotective? Nevertheless, I know she wants me to be careful with Andrea and that I respect her. I know that my Mom is just making sure I don't have "too much fun." But she thinks Andrea is a nice girl and is always asking when she will come over for dinner. I always forget to ask Andrea if she wants Caucasian food or Chinese food. Andrea says that she will probably come to the family barbeque in June. My relatives are coming. I don't know how I will introduce her to them though. I am sure most of my family will be fine with it.  I am not sure how my Grandparents will take it though. They probably want me to marry an Asian girl. I think they will be shocked but I hope they respect my decision and look past the skin colour. I also wonder what one Aunt will think. She is always so nosy and so are her daughters. I don't like it very much and I can't stand them sometimes. Once during dinner in March, my Mom told everyone I had a girlfriend. Immediately my stupid cousin goes:
"Is it the asian one or the white one?"
This was probably a month and a half into our relationship and we tried to keep it on the down low. I thought...
"What...? How much time do you spend on Facebook? I don't even have any pictures of her. Shut up, who do you think you are?"
My other cousin whispers:
"How far have you gone?"
I think...
"You're on a need to know basis, and you don't need to know." (Taken from the movie, "The Rock.")
I just said you don't need to know. At least he respected my decision. He thought back and kind of apologized for asking. I think he realized that it was a bad question.

Anyways, enough of bashing on my family. I'm listening to Metric and trying to write my Psychology notes. I enjoy psych, but thats for another post.

Until next time...

Saturday, May 9, 2009

How Asian Am I?

So, how Asian are you?
[X] Both of your parents are from Asia
[ ] You were born in Asia
[ ] You use the term "Azn"
[ ] You think DDR is cool (Pfft. I have no eye foot coordination)
[X] You've watched lots of anime
[ ] You like Korean drama
[ ] You have stuff hanging on your phone
[X] You eat rice almost everyday
[X] You drink lemon tea
X's so far: 4

[ ] You style your hair (just straighten it so it doesn't go POOF)
[ ] You have a meebo/myspace/friendster
[X] You speak/understand languages other than English...well i get by with a half decent converstion
[X] Your parents are strict
[X] Your parents have high expectations of you
[x] You always get A's/B's on your report
[x] You do Chemistry/Biology/Physics/Accounting (<------ y?) [X] You know your multiplication table [x] You play(ed) badminton or table tennis [ ] You've seen the Asian version The Ring and/or The Grudge (Absolutely hilarious) X's so far: 11 [X] You own an Asian car [X]You're not the only child [X]You've gotten little red envelopes around February [ ]You know the difference between kung fu, karate and tae kwon do [ ] (If you're a girl)You prefer white guys over asian guys (either one :D) [ ] (If you're a guy)You prefer asian girls [X] Your mother tries to bargain even though the product is already discounted [X]You can do the rubiks cube [X] You have a box of noodles somewhere in your house [X] You play video games X's so far: 18 [x] Every time you're going out, your parents ask you where you're going and what time you'll be home [X] You have karaoke at home [ ] You know BOA/Gazette/AyumiHamasaki/Gackt
[ ] You've been to a LAN more than 3 times
[ ] You have incense sticks/moth balls in your house
[X] You own a gaming console
[X] You play a musical instrument
[x] You don't wear shoes in your house
[ ]You can use chopsticks
[X]You get nothing if you do well in school
X's so far: 24

[X] Your parents won't let you go out if you have school the next day
[ ] You have Asian Songs on your computer/iPod
[ ] You don't like football
[ ] You have a curfew
[ ] You know what ulzzang/tb means
[ ] You know what purikura is
[X] You like bubble tea
[ ]Your parents bought you shoes many sizes too big so you can "grow into it" and wear it for years to come
[X] You've played final fantasy
[ ] You believe in fortune cookies
X's so far: 27

[ ] You get mostly "No"'s when you ask your parents for permission for something
[ ] You've heard the song "Got rice?"
[ ] You have a tutor
[X] You've had pockys/yan yan before
[X] When you seek for your mother's permission she replies "Ask your dad"
Total X’s: 29

29/53 = 54% asian... o.O

The Zebra Man

Refereeing is one of the toughest jobs. You have to keep your head on a swivel, make tough decisions and any one of your calls can turn the game around. Referees also have to deal with a lot of verbal abuse. I referee in the TCYBA, a league which I think is crap because the coaches don't know what they are doing. Most coaches have no experience, but they think they are the next Phil Jackson. Most of the coaches don't even know the rules to the game, which pisses me off when they try to dispute my call. For example: a player misses 3 consecutive shots from inside the key. The coach will yell: 
"3 in the key ref! Call it!"
First off, the 3 in the key time resets after a shot attempt, whether it hits the rim or not. 75% of the coaches I referee don't understand this elementary rule. So after I explain to the idiot, he still thinks he is right. Another thing that coaches in the league don't understand is that just because there is contact, doesn't mean that a foul should be called. Just because someone falls on the floor doesn't mean its a foul. When looking for a foul, you look for body positioning, space positioning, and body control. So when a person falls because they are going 1 on 3, I am not going to call any ticky-tack fouls. Don't throw your arms up in the air because that just makes me look for calls to call against your team. Aside from coaches, parents are the worst. They also think that they are always right. I hate secondary comments from parents because explaining my call would just waste my time. I just want to turn around, offer them my whistle, and ask them:
"Hey, you want to referee the game? I could be somewhere better right now. Shut it."
I also don't need to know that I made a mistake. I've been refereeing long enough to know that I have made a mistake. So coaches, I don't need you to remind me 3 possessions after. Here are a few idiotic comments I have received from dumb-ass coaches and parents.
"You are not getting my player the ball fast enough on the inbound. You're ruining my fast break!" - Are you stupid? You don't fast break on an inbound.
"Can we play an extra 10 minutes?" - No I am paid to stop the game at a certain time you idiot. Unless you want to pay me overtime."
"What??!!" - Shut up
"Ref you missed a call" - Coach you need to shut the f**k up, because your team is losing and you fail at coaching.
Another thing that bothers me when I am refereeing is my partner. If I am paired with a newer referee, I don't mind explaining referee positioning and spacing. But if they don't listen and always cross into my path, I get pissed. This one time, I was paired with a noob that had 1 year experience refereeing grade 4-5 boys. We were reffing grade 6-7 boys, a pretty big jump. Well this kid shows up 5 minutes to tip off, in skate shoes. Automatically I knew this was going to be a long night. I asked him what his name was. He whispers gibberish. I ask him again, and he says his real name. So we started the game. First off, he never switched sides so I ended up staying on one side the entire half. Second, he never used his damn whistle. I had a 15-1 whistle count I estimated. For ever 15 calls I would make, he would make 1. This made it extremely difficult on the players because 1 team would get all the fouls, and the other team would get screwed over. It was actually stupid, he called 15 fouls the whole night. 15!! Thats about how much I call in a whole game. Coaches were getting frustrated, parents were getting angry because their kids were getting hurt, and I was getting pissed off because my partner didn't know squat.
I don't blame him however. The TCYBA does such a shitty job with refereeing clinics. All stupid Lorallyne (referee coordinator) says is: blow your whistle loud. O.o All stupid David Weir (some guy with TCYBA) says is: call it. Well first off, you don't teach the kids what to call and what to look for. You turn a scheduled 3 hour clinic into a 1 hour gong show. Its not like the league doesn't have resources either. One of the most well-known and respected referees in the WORLD is offering his help, but they say: 
"No, he goes into too much detail."
You idiot, refereeing is about details.

Anyways, enough of my ranting. I have to start studying.

Later Gators

Friday, May 8, 2009

"Who'd You Rather Be? The Beatles or The Rolling Stones?"

Have you kissed somebody over 19 years of age?

What would you do if your best friend went out with your ex?
Don't have one

Green or gold?

What’s your sport?

Do you like the rain?
Not really, I am an outdoors person

What hat would you rock?
My Blue Jays hat

Were you ever with someone who was completely different than you?
My friends are different...

Have you ever had a crush on someone that was in a relationship?
In one ;)

What is bothering you right now?
Not much, just got back from refereeing

I’ll bet you miss someone right now.
For sure

Are you easily scared by horror/thriller films?
haha yea i am

If you were given $100, would you spend it, or save it?
Save it

Do you have any enemies?
I dont think so...

Ever kissed a blonde haired, blue eyed person?
Yes O.o

When was the last time you were truly happy with your life?
Last Night

When is the last time you made someone else cry?
Last Week, by accident

Would you be able to date someone who had a kid with someone else?

Last person you had a deep and meaningful conversation with?

Does your ex miss you?
I don't think so

Reason behind why you last cried?
Don't remember

Do you have a deep dark secret?

What did you fear was going to get you at night as a child?
Bloody Mary

Who would you want to be tied to for 24 hours?

Who do you blame for your mood today?

Have you ever seen a dead body?

Last person you went out to dinner with?

How do you vent your anger?
I keep it inside and sleep it out

Are you a mama’s child or a daddy’s child?

Is anything alive in your room?
Nothing besides me

How many times has the last person you kissed made you cry?

Do you wish things were the way they used to be?
Yes, but I like my life right now

Do you sleep with or without clothes on?
With in the winter, just shorts in the summer

What do you do when you're having a bad day?
Listen to my music, talk to my favourite people, watch fail videos

Does anyone completely understand you?
I think so

Do you get depressed about things easily?

Was this new years enjoyable?
It was like any other day

What color hoodie did you wear last?

Are you currently wearing something that belongs to someone else?

Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?
I hope so ;)

Do you feel awkward when strangers say hi to you?
I just ask myself, "who are you?"

Is anything currently upsetting you right now?

Do you hate being alone?
Not really

Is tomorrow gonna be a good day?
Studying, no

Is this weekend going to be a good one?

Where did you get the shirt you're wearing right now?
Basketball shirt, it was free

Are you happy with where you're at in life?
Yes, but i could put more effort

Do you care too much, not at all or just enough?
Depends on what it is

Do you get jealous easily?
Not really

Do you consider yourself lucky?

What are you craving at this very moment?

Popsicles or Ice Cream?

Polka dots or stripes?

Have you ever been in a play?
In elementary school, the Christmas plays

Purple or green grapes?

What are your plans for tonight?
Go to sleep

How many tabs are open on your computer right now?

Did it rain today?

Last picture you took?
Probably with Andrea

What color shirt are you wearing?

How many times do you normally talk on the phone a day?

Do you cry when you get stressed out?

What are you doing tomorrow?
Studying, play tennis

When was the last time you laughed really hard?
Yesterday night at Andie's baby photos

According to your ex, are you pretty?
Not sure

When is the last time you showered?
30 minutes ago

Who was the last person you slept in a bed with?

Do you like your name?
Yea, but kids used to make fun of it in elementary school

What color are your fingernails?

Are you happy at the moment?

Do you know anyone with a lisp?

Name someone with the same birthday as you?
Wes Webb

Last person who drove you somewhere(besides your parents)?

Are you a morning person or a night person?

Who is the last person you talked to on the phone?

Who was the last person to smack your ass?

If you could move anywhere right now would you?
No, I like it here

Do you know if anyone likes you?
I think so...

What did you dream about last night?
Andrea being pregnant on some stairs, and winning 15 Canucks tickets, I have real weird dreams

Hallway People

This is my first rant. Not a lot of things bug me, but the thing that annoys me the most, especially at school, are the people in hallways. I hate it so much when you are walking on the right side of the hall, and other people are walking on your right side, their left side. We don't drive on the left, it doesn't make sense that we walk on the left. Slow people also piss me off. I am a slow walker, but at least I have the sense to stay to the right wall, unlike most people. Another thing about people in hallways is when they open doors. There are 2 doors and everyone tries to cram through one door. A huge jam ensues and no one can get through. Its like people don't have the sense to stay on their own side of the hallway and open their door. GAH. Another thing I hate about hallway people is when the asians take up the whole dang hallway with their group, and don't even realize. I just want to break their stupid chain like the game "Red Rover" I used to play in Elementary School. I get a sense of how lazy people are when able bodied people take the elevator. Like come on, you have legs use them. It isn't THAT hard to walk up a few stairs. Its not going to kill you. 

Anyways, thats all for now.


A Change of Plans

So today I was walking home with Andrea after school and I opened up my mailbox. As I flipped through the letters, Andrea let out a squeal because I got a letter from UBC.  I had been waiting if I had gotten accepted in the Human Kinetics program. I opened it up and... Sigh. It said that  my academic record didn't meet the required admission average. I have a 3.2 GPA at Douglas College which is a B+. I need a 3.7, which is just above an A-. I didn't realize that the program was so competitive and I was feeling pretty down. I felt like pretty down and tried to nap it off. Despite the dissatisfaction, I considered my other options. I am going to The University of Fraser Valley offers a Kinesiology Degree which I will use as my back up plan if I don't get into UBC. There are a few things that work in my favour while I will be at Douglas College. I have taken most of the core courses for the Sport Science Program which will allow me to take more electives. These elective include basketball/field hockey, tennis/badminton, and other sport analysis courses. Also, I will be able to continue to play wheelchair basketball. I have grown to like playing wheelchair basketball very much, and I am excited to continue playing in City League and in Division 2. Furthermore, I will still get to see all the great friends I have met at Douglas. A few people were quite sad that I would be "leaving" them, but I guess they will be seeing me more next year. 

I also played beach volleyball for the first time in 9 months yesterday. I was definitely very rusty. I felt so bad for everyone I played with. My timing was off, couldn't pass easy balls, and overall just sucked. Nevertheless, it was fun and I enjoyed it. I felt real sore this morning however. My legs and back were tired from lack of physical activity for a long time. 

Anyways, thats my first real post. I will think of something else
