First off, if any parents read this, you might be offended, but this is my perspective.
Here we go. Kids are starting to drink alcohol younger and younger these days. My first house party was in grade 10. I didn't think much of it. In fact, I thought it was really boring. A few people passed out. I thought:
"That doesn't look fun."
The next day, the same people brag on Facebook:
"_______: Got shitfaced last night, it was so fun."
What??!! I really wonder what the parents of these kids say when they get home.
"Hey did you have a good time?"
"Were you safe?"
How is vomiting and having no recollection of the night before a good time? It baffles me. People get sick and vomit. They don't consider that "fun." Are parents concerned with their children? The sight of your kid, spilling his guts on the floor. What emotions do you get from this scene? I know my parents would be disappointed. They would take care of me, but nevertheless be pissed off. Some parents may just shrug it off and say:
"He will learn next time. I used to be like that when I was young."
But when the kid has a stuffy nose, the parents are like:
"Oh baby are you okay? Do you want to visit the doctor?"
Its not just alcohol. Kids skip classes regularly and the parents don't even care. Is the standard for the kids of today getting lower and lower? Do parents care about their children's education and ultimately their future? I would not know the answers, I am only 19 year old. I am writing from my perspective and this is what I am seeing in school. Kids bragging that they skipped and are getting smashed over the weekend. As a result, kids are failing easy subjects. When was a C- acceptable? What is there to be proud of in getting a C-. If you truly try your hardest and give all your effort, a C- would never appear on your report card.
Kids these days take everything for granted. I wish that the hardest lessons would be learned early. Maybe a death here or there would make kids think twice about their decisions. I often see the quote:
"Nothing lasts forever. Live it up, drink it down, laugh it off, avoid the bullshit, take chances & never have regrets, because at one point, everything you did was exactly what you wanted."
This is the dumbest quote ever. Whoever wrote this should be shot. What my point of view, this quote states that life is all about having a good time. "Live it up, drink it down, laugh it off." That part just bugs me. It seems like it is encouraging alcohol and disregard to any bumps in the road. You can't just laugh everything off. Image your best friend dying. You can't just laugh it off. Image your kid dying. You can't laugh it off. "Avoid the bullshit." Bullshit that. You take bullshit head on. Only pussies avoid it. "Take chances." If you insert "calculated" between"take" and "chance", maybe this would make it more realistic. It is just stupid to see how many young teenagers, grade 9's and 10's, getting intoxicated on the weekend. I want to know what a parent would say. Because as a future parent (hopefully), alcohol would definitely be unacceptable.
Maybe you think I am all wrong. Maybe it is the way that I was brought up that gives me this perspective. My parents didn't spoil me, I received 2 new toys every year. Once for my birthday, and once during Christmas. I had to earn most of my things. I never got allowance and I was paid 1$ every 2 weeks to clean the toilet. As hard as I begged, I never got candy from the cashier line at Superstore. I never had a soft consequence. Many of you got sent to your room, or no TV for the night. My parents were tough on me. I had 1 hour maximum to watch TV each night. I had to ask my parents if I could watch TV, I couldn't just pick up the clicker and start flipping channels, unless it was the news hour or The Magic School Bus. Now that I reflect on it, my parents were good parents. They loved me, but made me learn from my consequences. They taught me how to make good decisions, and behave in a justifiable manner. I can have fun without alcohol. I haven't drank alcohol in over a year. I am not saying that people should refrain from drinking, I just think that it isn't necessary to have a "good time."
To sum it up, I am not trying to blame parents. I am just confused at how you can stand seeing your child, someone you spend so much time and effort in bringing up, intoxicated, unable to talk and stand, just get away with it. I really want to hear what a parent would have to say. If you find this in anyway offensive, be aware I am not judging your parenting skills. I am just looking for answers.
Enough for now, I spent quite a bit of time writing this.
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