This is my first rant. Not a lot of things bug me, but the thing that annoys me the most, especially at school, are the people in hallways. I hate it so much when you are walking on the right side of the hall, and other people are walking on your right side, their left side. We don't drive on the left, it doesn't make sense that we walk on the left. Slow people also piss me off. I am a slow walker, but at least I have the sense to stay to the right wall, unlike most people. Another thing about people in hallways is when they open doors. There are 2 doors and everyone tries to cram through one door. A huge jam ensues and no one can get through. Its like people don't have the sense to stay on their own side of the hallway and open their door. GAH. Another thing I hate about hallway people is when the asians take up the whole dang hallway with their group, and don't even realize. I just want to break their stupid chain like the game "Red Rover" I used to play in Elementary School. I get a sense of how lazy people are when able bodied people take the elevator. Like come on, you have legs use them. It isn't THAT hard to walk up a few stairs. Its not going to kill you.
Anyways, thats all for now.
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